Powering Action on Climate Change


Climate change, environmental sustainability and the impact on communities around the world are some of the biggest challenges facing us globally. This crisis requires urgent solutions. Now, more than ever, we need urgent, practical research on climate change that makes a difference to our everyday lives.

That’s why at University Alliance, we’re not just talking about the challenges or long-term consequences, but are taking action now to manage and mitigate the effects of the climate crisis.

Working together with industry, businesses, charities and our communities, we’re taking practical steps to tackle the causes and effects of climate change and develop resilient individuals, industries and communities able to adapt to its impacts. We’re finding practical solutions to pressing climate challenges, making a difference for people in their everyday lives either in new products, innovations, creations or even in driving behavioural change.

In order to release the full potential of our contribution, we’re asking government to help power Alliance universities by utilising them as key players in helping the UK reach its net zero ambitions:

See case studies below of just some of the ways in which Alliance universities are crucial to helping the UK to Power Action on Climate Change.