University Alliance response to HEFCE consultation on allocation method for postgraduate research funding from 2012-13

University Alliance Response to HEFCE consultation on allocation method for postgraduate research funding from 2012-13

Consultation question 1: Do you agree that for 2012-13 we should increase the value of the RDP supervision fund, by up to £35 million?

Consultation question 2: Which of the options we have described for linking the allocation of RDP supervision funding to quality (a threshold, or a quality weighting) best meets our aim of encouraging the supervision of students in higher-quality research environments? Why?

Consultation question 3:If we used a quality score, as described in paragraph 22, to achieve differentiation by quality does a ratio of 1:2 seem appropriate?

Consultation question 4: Do you consider that the value of an institution’s RDP grant relative to its mainstream QR grant provides a useful indicator of the sustainability of postgraduate supervisory activity at whole-institution level?

[Download consultation response as PDF]



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