University Alliance is pleased to support Make Your Future Happen: Discover Higher Education, a national week-long campaign – running 12 – 18 October – to promote the benefits of higher education and encourage people of all ages to consider applying to higher education.
This is important because:
- More jobs than ever before now require a higher education qualification while the number of jobs for non-graduates is rapidly declining.
- Graduates have been shown to live longer, healthier and happier lives bringing benefits to the individual and to the UK economy.
- Graduates earn considerably more than people with lower level qualifications.
If students are not going on to higher education there is a good chance they will never be able to access the top jobs of the future and fulfil their potential.
We are holding a free event for teachers, in partnership with Brightside and Teach First, to find out what challenges teachers face in delivering comprehensive advice and guidance about higher education and careers to students, and to see how we can best address these challenges. We believe this is an important step in improving the opportunities of people from all walks of life, something which our organisations are deeply committed to.
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