How do we tackle unemployment and skills mismatch? How do we build an innovative workforce, the envy of the world? Join us at the launch of…
Job Ready
Universities, businesses and students creating success
Tuesday 8 July, 12.30pm – 2.30pm
Churchill Room, House of Commons, London
With short speeches from the Rt Hon David Willetts MP, CBI and British Airways
We would be delighted if you could join us as we showcase and discuss excellence in universities and businesses working together for the benefit of students and graduates in the UK.
The event will see the launch of a new study, Job Ready, which will demonstrate the positive impact of business-university collaboration on the UK economy and wider society.
The event will bring together business and university leaders, Parliamentarians and community leaders to look at how we tackle the big questions facing the UK.
We look forward to seeing you at our event.