Society and the economy flourish when citizens are able to lead healthy and productive lives. Rising levels of preventable illnesses, the continuing persistence of health inequalities and an ageing population are amongst the great challenges that our health system faces.
Alliance universities have a quarter of all UK health teams with world-leading research and educate the same proportion of health professionals. Through collaborations with doctors, hospitals, local communities and governments, they conduct world-class research across the spectrum of healthcare and medicine. Their research is improving the quality of healthcare, changing service provision and improving public health policy.
This includes involving patients to co-design new health products and services, developing innovative diagnostic tools to assess and treat chronic pain and long-term conditions, rolling out programmes that allow stroke victims to take control of their own everyday lives and designing socially intelligent robots that help children with autism develop vital skills to improve their social interactions and communication.
Research into healthcare and well-being carried out by Alliance universities leads to real benefits for those who need it.