Our chief executive, Maddalaine Ansell, has been interviewed by Research Fortnight after taking up her post at University Alliance.
“They may lack dreaming spires and hallowed halls, but the UK’s newest universities are more focused on the future of the knowledge economy than yearning for a storied past. With employment skills, entrepreneurship and regional growth rising up the political agenda, Maddalaine Ansell, the new chief executive of University Alliance, plans to harness that drive to raise the profile of its members…
…the focus on regional growth aligns with the local nature of the universities which form the alliance’s membership. Many have vice-chancellors on the boards of their Local Economic Partnerships and have capitalised on relationships with major employers in their areas to co-develop degree programmes that take graduates directly from education into industry. Alliance members, which educate 20 per cent of students in the UK, offer half of the country’s sandwich degrees.”
For the full story visit here.