University Alliance has once again joined forces with the British Council as a reciprocal partner for the 2018 Going Global Summit which will take place on 2-4 May in Kuala Lumpur.
The British Council’s annual conference for leaders of international education, Going Global 2018 will explore the theme – ‘Global connections, local impact: Creating 21st Century skills, knowledge and impact for society-wide good’.
The world’s largest open forum for education leaders offers participants a far-reaching platform to share insights and expertise with more than 1,000 delegates from 80 countries across the globe.
The British Council is currently accepting speaker proposals (session presenters, panellists and chairs), as well as submissions to present a poster related to the 2018 theme. All speaker proposals should be submitted by Sunday 1 October 2017. Poster proposals will be accepted up until Friday 12 January 2018.
For further information and guidance on how to apply, see here