Manchester Metropolitan University
Brendan is a consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine at University Hospital South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust. While he has worked as a front-line clinician throughout his career after qualifying in medicine (MB ChB) at Sheffield University, Brendan has always retained an interest in research and produced a steady output of research papers.
But he had been thinking about pursuing a postgraduate research qualification for some time which would open up new opportunities, including to move into an academic role in the future and build his department’s capability to undertake and supervise future research projects.
Manchester Metropolitan University helped Brendan to adapt his ideas and published works into a credible PhD thesis on tracheostomy care. The PhD (Route 2) by publication effectively demonstrates the work that he has done over the last 10 years.
If you have done the work, then you can box it off through these routes, which can support a move into academia or maybe help career development. – Brendan McGrath