The DTA on Screen

Film crew

University Alliance launches a film about its flagship programme the Doctoral Training Alliance.

The Doctoral Training Alliance has been running since 2015, funding students to conduct ground-breaking research in the fields of Applied Biosciences for Health, Energy and Social Policy. The DTA offers more than just financial support though, it also provides the academic and emotional support from supervisors and peers across all 20 programme members. As well as this, its focus is on training and preparing its researchers for life following their PhD through electives, summer schools and industry experience.

In order to highlight the importance of opportunities like this, and the work of our students, we spoke to some of them about what DTA means to them:

Thanks to Yessica Arellano, Mahdi Sadri, Elvis Mungangavari and Andy Graham, as well as the teams from Coventry and Teesside Universities.

This video was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska Curie fund.

Further reading