
Read blogs from members across the University Alliance and from the UA policy team

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  1. Why degree apprenticeships deserve your attention

    This article was originally published in HEPI. Degree apprenticeships. They’re Skills Minister Robert Halfon’s “two favourite words in the English language” and we’re at the beginning of a whole week dedicated to raising awareness and celebrating the many benefits of apprenticeships at all levels (yes this year’s National Apprenticeships Week does clash with World Nutella Day, but that aside…). Armchair Quarterback I’m sure we can all recall a ti…

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  2. Let’s get strategic

    If you ask any UK Vice Chancellor what’s keeping them awake at night, it’s highly likely to be the financial sustainability of their institution and the wider sector. Years of frozen funding coupled with rising costs are inevitably taking their toll across all four nations. University leaders are also increasingly worried about the impact the cost-of-living crisis is having on students – both current and prospective. The 2023-24 admissions cycle …

    Read more of: Let’s get strategic
    Susanna Kalitowski
  3. Obsessions with outcomes won’t deliver the flexible revolution

    The government will not succeed in its efforts to increase flexible and modular provision until it ends its obsession with narrow student outcomes, argues Susanna Kalitowski. This article first appeared in Wonkhe, on 09 Feb 2021 With the pandemic-induced recession meaning even greater numbers will be needing to upskill and retrain, never has there been a more important time to properly invest in and incentivise flexible, modular provision. Univer…

    Read more of: Obsessions with outcomes won’t deliver the flexible revolution
    Susanna Kalitowski