University Alliance responds to the DfE’s publication of the Lifelong Learning Entitlement (LLE) consultation response

Responding to the Department for Education’s publication of the Lifelong Loan Entitlement (LLE) consultation response Vanessa Wilson, CEO at University Alliance said: “Alliance universities are already ahead of the curve in developing and delivering innovative training and education solutions that enable people to upskill and reskill throughout their lifetime. The introduction of a Lifelong Loan Entitlement (LLE) will open more opportunities up to more people, and as University Alliance, we welcome it wholeheartedly.

We are delighted to see that the government has listened to the university sector in shaping its approach to the LLE, including on issues such as ELQ, maintenance support in particular to turbo boost part-time learning, and the need for a gradual approach to change. It is essential that the government, universities and employers continue to work closely together to shape the delivery of the LLE.

For the LLE to be a success it must be underpinned by excellent information advice and guidance, proper incentives for students and employers, and effective assessment of the needs of individuals, the economy, industry and the public sector. In all of these areas, the government, universities and employers will need to work together. University Alliance stands ready to do this.”

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