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  1. UA and 70 others call for clarity and transparency on the future UK Shared Prosperity Fund

    UA, along with 70 national and local organisations from across the country, are urging the Government to provide immediate clarity on how it intends to deliver the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). In an open letter, coordinated and led by UA, the group of 70 universities and businesses including the CBI, call for greater transparency […]

    Read more of: UA and 70 others call for clarity and transparency on the future UK Shared Prosperity Fund
  2. A postcode lottery is stopping children in care from going to university

    This article first appeared in the Guardian on 29 October 2020  There have been far too few care leavers going to university for far too long. The numbers are staggering: just 12% of care-experienced pupils compared to 42% of their peers. It’s not fair that care leavers should have far worse educational and life chances […]

    Read more of: A postcode lottery is stopping children in care from going to university