Creating learning materials to help SMEs develop remanufacturing competencies and business models.

Coventry University have been working through the RemanPath project to create learning materials to support SMEs to develop competencies in remanufacturing.

Built on the results of a previous Horizon 2020 research project, the European Remanufacturing Network.

The learning materials were designed and tested through a series of workshops run by the partner organisations. These workshops also involved case study presentations, with businesses already engaged in remanufacturing telling their story of remanufacturing and the pitfalls and successes they had encountered. Qualitative and exploratory research was undertaken as part of the project to understand the triggers and barriers to remanufacturing, identify possible approaches to encourage more businesses to become remanufacturers and the channels for delivery of these approaches.

As part of the programme of developing its long-term sustainability of the project, work continues on the dissemination of the project findings and learning materials, at both academic conferences and practitioner events, for example Coventry’s Green Business Network.


Further reading