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Read blogs from members across the University Alliance and from the UA policy team

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  1. #Weareinternational blog: Ivy Ct Yu

    …its economy, helping to cement the UK’s position on the world’s stage. Therefore, it has been hugely concerning to hear recent reports that the Home Secretary is considering imposing restrictions on those from abroad who wish to study here. Unwelcoming language and policies do nothing to grow the UK economy, research impact, or our cultural diversity. These are individuals with real lives, with immeasurable talent to offer to our country – we shou…

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  2. How supermarkets can engage consumers to think more about household food waste

    …certain about when the food may be eaten. Such prompts could also help overcome, at least partially, other common consumer difficulties related to food waste, such as misunderstanding of date marking. If public settings such as supermarkets can help with the generation of an automatic thinking process that is focused on reducing food waste, it could potentially help make significant reductions. I am keen to hear more from the grocery trade about i…

    Read more of: How supermarkets can engage consumers to think more about household food waste
  3. Partnerships with employers: how Alliance institutions are readying graduates for the job market

    …ng engagement with employers to boost the skills of the current workforce; combining the very best of work and learning to meet needs through work-based high-level training, Continual Professional Development and modular learning. As we look to recover from the pandemic, the partnerships underpinning the vocational and technical education at Alliance u…

    Read more of: Partnerships with employers: how Alliance institutions are readying graduates for the job market
  4. The DTA celebrates International Women’s Day 2021 with an ‘in conversation with’ talk

    …h Wales), who was joined by Co-Chairs of the DTA Researcher Representative Committee – Ana Tendero-Cañadas (Bioscience, Brighton), April Murray Cantwell (Social Policy, Sheffield Hallam) and Katheryn Margaret Pascoe (Social Policy, Ulster). In their talk, the DTA leaders discussed the challenges for women in research careers, why the DTA reps put themselves forwards for leadership roles, the development of leadership skills and many things in betw…

    Read more of: The DTA celebrates International Women’s Day 2021 with an ‘in conversation with’ talk
  5. University Alliance shares highlights from members’ offerings during National Apprenticeships Week

    …iceship Course at Leeds Beckett University. She has worked at ASDA for eleven years, recently joining the technology team. Andrew, a Quality Specialist with an international manufacturing company, undertook a Degree Apprenticeship in Management and Leadership. Coventry University sat down for a chat with him.…

    Read more of: University Alliance shares highlights from members’ offerings during National Apprenticeships Week
  6. The DTA is International- Part 2

    …e specifically, by understanding the ice formation process and offering an effective solution, I hope to help expand wind power across more cold regions and therefore further promote clean energy. The funding for this project through the Doctoral Training Alliance, and then the placement through the Newton Fund, have both helped me towards this goal. I have now been in China for five months. I have visited an aircraft manufacturer, observed icing…

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  7. The DTA Biosciences Summer School

    …ndy Morley on the psychology of presenting and bias in research was very useful for self-reflection, particularly as we had previously prepared a short presentation for one of the planned workshops. This session will also definitely be of use when preparing future presentations and public speaking events. In spite of it feeling quite daunting to present my work so early on in my PhD journey, having the opportunity to get feedback from experienced…

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    DTA students at museum reception
  8. Special Interest Groups

    …vity – led by the needs and interests of practitioners in universities. To compliment this we want to encourage more top-down activity and think this is a good approach for the Special Interest Groups. We suggest that we introduce a few broad themes and encourage a D/PVC to lead and champion each of the themes to support buy-in/ engagement of the TEA Management Group and to get more recognition for what we are doing. For each theme we suggest form…

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  9. Profile: Professor Alistair Fitt, Deputy Chair of University Alliance

    …aced by the HE sector. With a new regulator, reviews into funding and the TEF, ever changing ministers and secretaries of state and of course the still-present potential of a no-deal Brexit, Alistair is focused on guiding both Oxford Brookes and the wider sector through “the minefield ahead”. Providing a strong collective voice and a steer to the sector is, for Alistair, one of the greatest attractions to being part of a mission group; “The missio…

    Read more of: Profile: Professor Alistair Fitt, Deputy Chair of University Alliance