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  1. Conor – Robert Gordon University

    …my grades. Now, 4 years later, I have successfully completed the Master of Pharmacy degree. Pharmacy is such an attractive course, full of opportunities post-graduation. What was your application journey like? After being told my desire to study pharmacy was a non-starter, I applied for subject areas that were as far away from health and science-related degrees as you could imagine! I received two conditional offers, and made my firm and insurance…

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  2. Vivien Yu – Robert Gordon University

    …ave made my uni experience so enjoyable and so welcoming. Through studying Pharmacy at RGU I got to attend UK wide conferences and there were opportunities to explore pharmacy in different countries. In Scotland we as student pharmacists are fortunate to have NES funded placements. These placements allow us to see a few different sectors; such as community, hospital, GP and specialist placements. I was lucky to go up to Raigmore hospital for a wee…

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  3. Professionals Award

    …hroughout the 2020-21 academic year. Full details may be found at:     University of Hertfordshire Technical Team, School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science-for creating a ‘lab at home’ for students to continue laboratory work whilst s…

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  4. University Alliance media coverage `

    -UK-university-students-allowed-campus-17.html BBC News – 13/04/21 LBC Radio with Nick Ferrari – 14/04/21 The Telegraph – 14/04/21 Research Professional – 18/04/21 Research Professional – 7/4/2021 ht…

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  5. Space: Creating a new hub for education, innovation and investment in high-tech industries

    …tudents have the opportunity to learn using industry-standard equipment. A pharmacy clinical skills suite also offers a specialist learning environment in which students can develop their professional skills. The creation of the School of Pharmacy in 2013 addresses a historical skills gap and shortage of educational provision in the eastern counties of England, and arose from close collaboration between the University, local NHS health trusts and…

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  6. Women in research

    …our-legacy-continue/. As well as being profiled in Stylist magazine as part of the Southbank Centre’s Phenomenal Women: Portraits of UK Black Female Professors –…

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  7. Alliance Awards 2023: Meet the nominees

    …operation, the pandemic required a new operating model focused on running online events in order to continue to meet client needs for a large range of events and networking opportunities. This was a significant change for the team who quickly became experts providing advice and guidance on online event management to colleagues and external clients. This expertise fed into policy on events during the pandemic whereby the Events Manager represented…

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  8. Explainer: international students at Alliance universities

    …ance universities are currently growing the number of places available for UK students. If a UK student meets our entry requirements and wants to study at a high-quality professional and technical university, they are very welcome. The growth in international students has been concentrated at postgraduate level, for which there is lower demand from UK students. Case studies Hamid Ibrahim co-founded entertainment company Kugali Media after graduati…

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  9. How Professional Doctorates are empowering nurses and midwives to lead

    …cute ward might explain the ongoing challenge of malnutrition in hospital (Buyanga 2023). Buyanga identified a culture where management of meal times is largely delegated to unqualified staff and indicates that where nurses do not provide leadership and role modelling at mealtimes, inadequate nutritional intake can be the consequence. Whilst the delegation of supporting patients at mealtimes to unqualified staff might seem reasonable, Buyanga (202…

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    Helen Aveyard
  10. Using interactive technology to improve lives

    …oke to regain some, if not all, of those lost functions and help survivors regain their confidence, well-being and quality of life. Researchers from the Interactive Systems Research Group (ISRG) at Nottingham Trent University have developed a new approach to rehabilitation that has resulted in significant improvements for patients. Trial results from a series of ‘serious games’ and related interactive technology for stroke rehabilitation demonstra…

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