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  1. Immersive Nursing Simulation at the University of Derby

    The School of Nursing and Midwifery at the University of Derby offers high-quality education from Nursing Associate degrees and Advanced Clinical Practitioner apprenticeships to a range of undergraduate and postgraduate Nursing and Midwifery degrees and continuing professional development. We are proud to offer opportunities for all, at a University recognised for its commitment to social […]

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    Nursing simulation at the University of Derby
  2. Improving transition for newly qualified nurses – University of Derby

    As recognised experts in addressing transition and employer organisational support structures, the NHS commissioned the University of Derby to investigate the acute staffing problem which sees a high percentage of newly qualified nurses (NQNs) at risk of leaving the profession in the first six months after they qualify. Research focus Research focused on evaluating and enhancing […]

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  3. Enhancing health in care homes and communities during the pandemic – University of Hertfordshire

    The work of an expert team of researchers from the University of Hertfordshire has been used to fundamentally improve how care homes and the NHS work together. By the end of 2020, the national Framework for Enhanced Health in Care Homes had been rolled out nationally to cover around 11,300 care homes and 410,000 care […]

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  4. Leeds Beckett University develop whole system approach to tackling obesity for Public Health England

    Public Health England commissioned Leeds Beckett University to develop a guide and supporting resources to enable any Local Authority in England – and the wider UK – to implement a whole systems approach to tackling obesity within their local area. The guide, published in July 2019, describes a “how to” process, which can enable local authorities, […]

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  5. Partnerships to power the NHS

    Alliance universities work with the NHS and a wide range of health sector partners, professional bodies, charities and other organisations to deliver services, design treatments, shape public policy, develop health-related applied research and undertake projects that benefit the health and wellbeing of their local community. Alliance universities work with local NHS trusts to address skills […]

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  6. A Nursing academic at the University of South Wales has helped develop a new tool to support people with a learning disability in Wales.

    Professor Ruth Northway, who specialises in Learning Disability Nursing, worked with Improvement Cymru – part of Public Health Wales – to shape the Once for Wales health profile, which aims to provide people with a learning disability to receive consistent, safe and timely healthcare. It provides people with a learning disability with a personalised document […]

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  7. Hertfordshire helping children with autism understand the world with Kaspar the social robot

    The University of Hertfordshire has partnered with local school Garston Manor, a specialist school for autism, learning difficulties and speech and language, to further enhance Kaspar the social robot’s ability to act as an educational companion for children with autism or communication difficulties. The project is supported by academic partners in King’s College London, and a commercial company, Compusult in Canada. The new ‘Kaspar Explains’ […]

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  8. ARU to deliver world’s largest healthcare entrepreneurship programme

    Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) has been chosen as the official partner of NHS England and NHS Improvement to nurture healthcare innovators from across the country and help them gain the commercial skills, knowledge and experience to make their ideas become a reality. The NHS Clinical Entrepreneur Programme was founded in 2016 and has become the world’s largest […]

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  9. Researching how exercise can help the Down syndrome community

    New Mindsets study is examining the link between physical fitness and mental fitness A major international study has been launched to investigate whether exercise can improve cognition for people with Down syndrome. The Mindsets study is a partnership between the Canadian Down Syndrome Society, BrainHQ, and Anglia Ruskin University (ARU), and the researchers are looking to recruit […]

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  10. Hope For The Community supporting the mental health of those with long-term conditions

    A company founded by a Coventry University professor which has been supporting people with long-term health problems during the COVID-19 outbreak is foremost among the university’s mental health outreach programmes. One of its projects is the Hope Programme, which helps people living with a long-term condition, including those living with cancer, to cope with anxiety […]

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