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  1. Partnerships with employers: how Alliance institutions are readying graduates for the job market

    …versities will play a vital role in supporting people to access lifelong learning, re-skilling and up-skilling our current and future workforce.  …

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  2. University Alliance shares highlights from members’ offerings during National Apprenticeships Week

    …ssessment. As we celebrate the value of apprenticeships during National Apprenticeships Week, former University of Hertfordshire degree apprentice Jake Parrott, 25, reflects on his experience working, learning and developing as a professional at Vauxhall Motors.…

    Read more of: University Alliance shares highlights from members’ offerings during National Apprenticeships Week
  3. Communications Assistant

    …ject line: Communications and Press Officer to An up-to-date CV of no more than two sides of A4. A cover letter of no more than two sides of A4 addressing why you are interested in working for University Alliance and how your knowledge, skills and experience meets the requirements of the role. Please also mention where you saw the job advertised.   Interview date: Interviews via MS Teams Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 August 2…

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  4. Shortlisted nominees announced for the Alliance Awards 2022

    …into lectures and staff meetings, before running teambuilding sessions face-to-face when possible. Jinal Chandreshkumar Shah, Vice President Opportunities and Community, Birmingham City University Jinal was nominated for her work as part of the BCU student community, and her commitment to the students at the university. She was Student Representative and Student Ambassador, roles which meant she supported and helped students to settle during their…

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  5. Space: Pioneering one of the first University Enterprise Zones

    …individual and shared laboratory space, offices and workshops, shared start-up ‘studio’ space, communal space for networking and meeting, access to specialist equipment and technical support and business services. Construction will be completed in summer 2016 with the UEZ open for business in the autumn. The £16.5m project is supported by £4m from the government with match-funding from the Local Enterprise Partnership, business and UWE Bristol its…

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  6. The DTA Rep Committee: Amplifying the voice of PhD researchers

    …socialising, which supports motivation while promoting solidarity and peer-to-peer support. One of the key benefits I have gained from my role on the DTA Rep Committee, is developing intimate knowledge of the complexities and challenges associated with the Covid-19 pandemic. The survey we distributed was effective in illustrating its far-reaching negative consequences for our PhD researchers. These include concerns about the continuation of fundi…

    Read more of: The DTA Rep Committee: Amplifying the voice of PhD researchers
  7. Programme Administrator role vacancy

    …lliance is looking for a dynamic Programme Administrator to support the day-to-day delivery of the Doctoral Training Alliance (DTA) training programme for doctoral researchers and supervisors across a national network of 19 universities. The Programme Administrator will work closely with the Deputy Head of Doctoral Training and all members of the UA DTA Team, as well as Programme Leads from partner universities, to ensure that a successful and eff…

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  8. RAE Press Release: University Alliance

    …ently. Nottingham Trent University is working on the world’s first ‘scatter-enhanced’ 3D x-ray security scanner to identify contraband substances. The hi-tech equipment combines a novel x-ray diffraction technique with high-resolution 3D x-ray imaging capability to create an impression of an object’s depth, partially rotate it, and even see around or behind it. The system will speed up security checks and reduce false alarms. Experts in the Univer…

    Read more of: RAE Press Release: University Alliance
  9. New report finds collaboration and connectivity key to securing the future of UK research and innovation

    …stry. Responsiveness delivers the greatest benefit from research Quality research delivers real world impact and return on public investment. This relies on a healthy ecosystem that can adapt and respond to a fast-changing environment. Research excellence can no longer be defined solely by its impact within academia but must prove its value for society. That’s why University Alliance wants Funding Councils to continue to recognise and reward the r…

    Read more of: New report finds collaboration and connectivity key to securing the future of UK research and innovation